Spenza ADMIX is a polymer liquid adhesive admixture, specially designed to fortify adhsive to make ultra high strength mortar for installing all types of ceramic & vitrified tiles and natural stones exceeding the requirements of National (ISI) and British standards.
It increase Flexibility, stronger bond and compression strength is especially vital when installing semi and fully vitrified tiles, quarry tiles, pavers and other ceramic floor and wall tiles used in highly critical areas such as external facades, industrial plants, swimming pools and heavy traffic areas. Also provides longer potlife & working time in hot weather conditions.
Excellent strength
Highly water resistant
Provides extra open time and adjustability
High flexibility
High shock and impact resistance
High compressive
Ideal for bonding large format tiles.
Approx. 55-60 sq. ft. per 5 ltrs., mixed with 20 kg bag of SPENZA® filler powder / Adhesive using (6mm * 6mm) square notch trowel for a bed of 3mm.
Packaging: 5 LTR
Shelf Life
1 year in sealed packing.
Application include : interior and exterior wet and dry areas, wall, floors and ceilings new and remodel construction, residential or commercial application, Installation of big tiles and stone slabs on interior & exterior facades.
Method of Application:
Add 0.25-0.30 liter of SPENZA ADMIX per kg adhsive and mix thoroughly to obtain slump free adhesive.
Apply mixture to the surface with the notched trowel, first with the straight edge.
Fix tile within approx. 20 minutes by pressing them firmly into positions with a slight twisting action.
Check the coverage of adhesive – the back of the tiles should be fully covered.
While fixing marble and other tiles for exterior use e.g. facades and pools, apply adhesive to both tiles and the surface. Ensure solid bedding leaving no voids, use back buttering/floating method.
While fixing mosaics, a firm tap is required.
Warnings & Recommendations
Do not apply this product when frost is forecasted
Do not apply at temperatures below 5C° or above 45C°.
Do not apply in areas where there is a risk of standing water
In extreme weather conditions (wind of high temperatures), the product will dry more quickly than usual. This will result in a shorter open time.
In high temperatures windy conditions or if the application surface is very absorbent it is advisable to moisten the surface and wait for the film of water to disappear before applying the product.
Check periodically that a surface film has not formed on the adhesive paste once it has been spread onto the surface. If a film has formed remove the product and apply a fresh coat.
Check that paste is sticky enough by periodically lifting one of the tiles already in place to ensure that it is well stuck down.
Use within 1 year of date of packaging store the product in its original packaging in a dry covered place protected from humidity.